Junior Elite Off Season Academy 2012/13 Joondalup Brothers have once again undertaken its youth Academy throughout the off season. Jock Tiernan delivered a challenging program as Head coach and was assisted by Dave Wells with Clive King mananging the group. Building on the success of last year’s Academy, the club has worked hard with academy coaches Dave Wells and Jock Tiernan to develop what is a fantastic facility for the club and a fantastic opportunity for the players involved. The aim of the Academy is to identify our best junior and colts players and put them through intensive training which covers strength & conditioning, SAQ, diet & nutrition, along with a heavy skills focus. The clubs vision is to develop our junior base through the academy with these boys becoming our clubs future Premier Grade players. The Academy commenced on Tuesday 2 October 2012 and run until 1 March 2013 and comprises of players from our under 13s up to our under 18s. Players were selected through a variety of means with ability, attitude and commitment top of the list. Final selections were made after extensive testing and player evaluations were completed. Given the competition for places, some fundamental differences have been employed for the 2012/2013 Academy. Parents and players alike needed to make a significant commitment; the Academy is about taking a player to the next level in their development. Participation of 90% was demanded which would enable the players to get full value of the academy program which would facilitate their expected development. Well done to all players: Michael Betteridge, Luke Bolton, Joe Howard, Fraser Jones, Lewis King, Lucas Laing, Shaun Phillips, Hudson Roe, Luke Schofield, Connor Allen, Liam Gourlie, Jack Grimley, Ruben Mosely, Marnus, Spangenburg, Tiago Valentim, Dylan Vanderwesthuizen, Luke Wells, Jack Wooler, Conrad Fisher, Ricky Johnstone, Ian Mario, Kade Pearce, Harrison Carlton, Jeandre de Wit, Brandford Fisher, Scott Idle, Ryan King, Joshua Wells, Taine Timoko, Isaac Cavu, Jovan Tuatai, Herman Olivier, Clay Uyen, Stuart Davie, Armand Knott, Jack Marshall, Alex Tan, Jaidyn Ma’afu, Ben Kepes, Wade Botha, Joe Dooley, Daniel Redmond