2022 Brothers Academies

"Open to boys & girls, our program is designed to challenge and develop our players while also providing a development pathway for our coaches”.


It’s again with great excitement that we launch our post-season academies for girls & boys aged 13 to 15, PLUS  16 to 18, and open grade aspiring to become our next Premier Grade players. We have a host of high-level coaches lined up to assist in the development of our playing group.

The academy will be led by the Brothers Director of Rugby David Wells, with Denis Skillen, our Colts Head coach, leading the infield program which will run for 8 weeks starting on the 4th of October. Costs are $225.00 which includes specialized coaching and Academy kit.

Important Dates

Induction: 6:30 PM Tuesday 30th August @ our club rooms. Payments to be made at this time, kit sizes taken and academy expectations outlined.
Infield Sessions Start: 4th October 2022
Infield Sessions Finish: 1st December 2022 

Spots are limited so make sure to nominate your interest ASAP by  email and include the following details:

  • Player name
  • Age group in 2022
  • Parent / Guardian’s name, contact number & email address

How to Register

Register your interest by emailing directorofrugby@joondalupbrothers.com with your name, number, and email address. For more information please contact David Wells on 0402 209 944.

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